Libya: action plan is ready
The governments of Italy, Germany, Britain, France, Spain and the United States have appealed against Isis attacks in Sirte. Waiting
Read moreThe governments of Italy, Germany, Britain, France, Spain and the United States have appealed against Isis attacks in Sirte. Waiting
Read moreAs agreed in Switzerland, factions will seek a political solution to national unity by September. Continue the migration emergency: for
Read moreCrucial week for the composition of national unity government. Italian Foreign Minister Gentiloni and the UN ambassador Leon are pressing
Read moreFirst step towards the establishment of an executive of national unity. The Tobruk government and representatives of other factions have
Read moreTobruk and other factions have signed the agreement. United Nations are waiting for Tripoli’s reply. [subscriptionform] [level-european-affairs] Tobruk, Zintan, Misurata
Read moreItalian Ministry of Foreign Affairs turned down a Un campaign. But Libyan national unity looks faraway because of Haftar’s enmity.
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