Egypt, Sinai: 70 soldiers killed by Isis

Attacked the army checkpoint. At least 30 militants were killed. Jihadist troops and vehicle-bomb used in the attempt. Cairo declares the state of war. The terrorist action has taken place a few days after the Egypt’s top public prosecutor killing.

70 soldiers and at least 30 jihadists dead after Islamic State militants wave of attack on the army in North Sinai today. Terrorists and vehicle bombs have launched a simultaneos charge against security forces’ check point. While Egyptian government has reacted bombing Islamists. The offensive is conducted by the State of Sinai, affiliated to Isis since November 2014.

Prime Minister Mahlab has declared “the state of war”, but it’s not the first terrorist attack in Sinai. But this time jihadists have honed their technique. While Egyptian security forces have remained still and they have not taken enough countermeasures in recent months. Moreover, this attempts were predictable after Egypt’s top public prosecutor killing a few days ago.

The elimination of the Al Sisi’s enemies , starting with the deposed president Morsi, has sparked a war on several fronts inside Egypt.From Cairo, where terrorist cells are operating, to Sinai, historically unstable, where troops of the State of Sinai put on a military organization and strategy inspired by the Mujahideen: communications interruptions, combined attacks, explosions of vehicle bombs. In front of this context, Israel has decided to close the borders.
Giacomo Pratali
